Saturday, 19 October 2013

Trace any Person Using his E-mail

Learn How to Trace any one using his E-mail !!!!!

Well here am gonna tell you how can you easily trace any friend or enemy at his home with the help of following some very easy steps.........

There are lots of ways to do these things but am going to show you the best one!!!!!!!!

The IP address is different of all users in the whole world and also most of the IP's are dynamic(That changes time to time), and it is very different to get someones IP address coz it changes after sometime.

So, am going to show you how to get someone's IP address and Track him at his HOME.

1) First you need 1 software that I recommeded: -
Or, you can google it!!!!!!!!!!!

2) After installing it you have the Tracking software but you are not done here.

3) Now you need the victim's "E-mail header" if a person sends you am E-mail then you will get the E-mail header of that person, but if you don't have his E-mail or he don't know you then also you can do it!!!!!!!!

4) If you have his IP addres then skip step 5 and 6. If you don't have his E-mail then skip step 7,8,9.

5) Go TO: -   Now fill the following details and use the image (I would choose the first one.which is not visible so that he does't ableto know the truth of E-mailing him...)
You must choose an image coz it is the way you get his "E-mail Header".
6) Then after completing 100% copy the image and paste it in the E-mail that you are going to send. 
After he received it and when he open it , you will receive an E-mail from "Spypig" (His all information, IP, browser, Mac address, everything)

7) The location of "E-mail headers" is different in all website, but its not hard tofind out..
In Gmail there is an option after "Reply" click it and go to "Show Original" and it will tell you the E-mail header of a Email account.
8) Open your Emailtrackerpro and copy and paste the E-mail header in the provided box and click Next.
9) Thats DONE!!!!!!!!!! It will tell you the exact place of the person and also variour information about his IP.

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