Thursday, 5 December 2013

Natural Foods that Protect our Heart

Heart is one of the major organs in our human body. So it is our duty to protect it and it can be easily done by changing some of our food habits and life style

It is difficult for us to suddenly change the Life style and habits, But a Little patience will do Miracles for us when you walked the right way towards the Health and make sure that you are Protecting your Heart

The foods that will protect your Heart is given here.........................

1) Oats will protect your heart , as it has the property of Lowering the Bad cholesterol in our Body

2) Carrots are used , It Lowers the bad Cholesterol and Increases the Heart attack risk.

3) Walnuts will Reduce the Inflammation in Arteries and Reduce your Cholesterol level.Use it as a
   Mid-Meal snacks cab help you through Protecting the Heart

4)  Chilli Powder Its hard to Believe but it protects the heart, and diabetes by having the Natural Ability of
   Spiking the Natural Insulin Levels in the Body.

5) Oranges are rich in Potassium which Lowers the Blood Pressure and It contains Cholesterol-Fighting

6) Sweet Potatoes are rich in Fiber and Lycopen , also helps in Protecting the Heart

7) Salmon and tuna are the Fishes that contain rich amounts of the Anti-Oxidants and omega-3 that protect
   your heart.

8) Black Beans are rich in amounts of anti-Oxidants, Magnesium and folate , that controls the Blood
   pressure, blood sugar and Cholesterol.It makes you to protect the heart

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